Hi Everyone, Our team is working on several new projects and events, all of them very different yet all very exciting. We are working with a fabulous Juno nominated Canadian R&B soul singer/song writer, a dynamic visual artist who we will be feature during the Month of May on our partner's site Avenue Art.ca as well as during the Montreal Grand Prix, and will share a talented new artist and company who are teaming up to create a bold new brand and audience. I will share updates on twitter as I get more news on each but before we introduce those events and projects with greater detail we are taking you on trip!! |
We are driving from Montreal to Memphis to unveil what we feel is one of our most exciting multi national projects yet, The Capture Canada Photography Exhibition as part of The Memphis in May International Festival. We want to bring you along for the ride as we visit some great towns, hotels, discover the local art, eat some delicious food, sip some great cocktails and of course check out any events that are happening. INSPIRATION!! Follow me on Instagram #Montreal2Memphis |