And they are kicking off International Alzheimer's Month for #MCsArtOfLiving followers and all our Brush Off Project supporters. #Blueberries!!!
Blueberries are a major source of flavonoids, which have been found to enhance neuron connections in the brain and stimulate regeneration of neurons, both of which improve short-term memory.

Directions for: Antioxidant Rich Green Tea and Blueberry Shake
Ingredients2 Tbsp water
1 green tea bag
1 tsp honey
1half cup blueberries
1half of a banana
1/4 cup light vanilla soy milk
and a handful of ice
Directions1. Microwave water and steep tea bag in it for 3 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, blend blueberries, banana, soy milk and ice in blender until smooth. Add honey to the tea, pour it in the smoothie, stir and serve.